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Is Driving On a Suspended License a Misdemeanor?

Driving while suspended indicates that an individual’s driving privileges have been temporarily revoked by either administrative action or a court order. According to the law, during this period, the person must refrain from operating a vehicle until their suspension or revocation is lifted, their driving privileges are reinstated, or they obtain a restricted driver’s license. Driving while under suspension or revocation can result in serious consequences, including additional criminal charges and extended suspension periods. 

Therefore, individuals facing accusations of driving with a suspended license are advised to seek the guidance of a Virginia attorney specializing in suspended driving cases. An experienced Virginia suspended license lawyer from the KGO Law Firm can assist in constructing a defense strategy and minimizing potential repercussions. A Virginia suspended license attorney can also provide clarity regarding the restrictions on the individual’s driving privileges and the legal parameters for operating a vehicle.

Virginia Non-Resident Driver Regulations

The Virginia Statutes broadly prohibit driving in Virginia without a valid driver’s license issued in accordance with the Department of Motor Vehicle (“DMV”) regulations. However, there are exceptions outlined within the statute. One such exception pertains to non-residents. Individuals possessing a valid driver’s license from another state are exempt from this prohibition and the associated penalties if they can present it during a traffic stop.

Non-licensed driving refers to the act of driving without a valid Virginia license and being unable to provide a valid license from another state when stopped by law enforcement. This violation typically constitutes a Class 2 misdemeanor, with subsequent offenses classified as Class 1 misdemeanors. Additionally, upon conviction, the court may opt to suspend the individual’s driving privileges for up to 90 days. This provision extends to foreign drivers at the discretion of the DMV Commissioner, who frequently exercises this discretion.

Anyone operating a vehicle on a Virginia roadway is required to possess a valid driver’s license, whether from Virginia or another state, and must be able to present it upon request by law enforcement. Failure to provide the license when asked constitutes driving without a license. Even if an individual holds a valid license but does not have it with them at the time of the encounter, they can still face charges under this provision and should consider consulting a Virginia driving while suspended lawyer for guidance.

Instances Where No License Was Granted or Held

Instances where no license was issued at all are treated with greater severity. Driving without a license incurs a Class 2 misdemeanor penalty, except when aggravated by prior offenses or unique circumstances. Driving while suspended is a similar offense that is classified as a Class 1 misdemeanor with more severe consequences. A third or subsequent offense within a 10-year span carries a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 days in jail.

Nevertheless, there are exceptions, particularly in situations concerning the prevention of injury or emergencies where driving is necessary. In such situations, the additional penalty is not enforced. If an individual drives while their license is suspended under these circumstances, the court typically refrains from imposing jail time but does suspend the license for a duration equivalent to the original suspension period. If the original suspension had no definite duration, the court imposed a 90-day suspension. A suspended license attorney specializing in driving with suspended license cases in Virginia can work to mitigate the penalties an individual faces.

Getting in Touch with a Virginia Suspended License Lawyer 

Driving a car or vehicle without a valid license can lead to serious repercussions, especially if your license has already been suspended. If you’re facing charges related to unlicensed driving, including driving with a suspended license, it’s crucial to seek legal counsel from a skilled Virginia attorney specializing in these matters. A knowledgeable Virginia traffic lawyer can advocate for you vigorously, protecting your rights and interests.