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Felony DUI vs Misdemeanor DUI

Driving under the influence of alcohol is never acceptable. Whether it’s one drink or ten, getting behind the wheel while intoxicated puts your life and others at risk. Beyond the dangers, being caught can lead to severe legal consequences, including a felony DUI and a misdemeanor DUI. 

Understanding the Degrees of DUI Charges

A misdemeanor DUI can lead to fines, license suspension, and even jail time. A DUI felony, however, carries the most severe consequences, including lengthier prison sentences, substantial fines, and a permanent criminal record. Each charge affects your immediate future and can have long-term implications for employment, insurance, and personal relationships. So, what exactly distinguishes these charges, and how can they affect your life?

DUI Misdemeanor

Most DUI charges are classified as misdemeanors. In Virginia, a DUI misdemeanor occurs when your blood alcohol content (BAC) is over .08, and any injuries resulting from an accident are minor. A DUI misdemeanor can result in jail time of up to a year or a hefty fine. However, jail time can often be avoided if you agree to probation and follow its requirements. The court may also require you to attend an alcohol treatment program and participate in community service.

DUI Felony

A DUI felony is the most severe DUI charge and comes with the harshest penalties. It applies when you seriously injure or kill someone while driving under the influence or if you accumulate four DUI charges within ten years. A felony DUI can result in more than a year in prison and may involve substantial fines. Beyond prison time, a felony conviction can severely affect your future. It can restrict your ability to adopt a child, vote, hold a professional license, and access various benefits. Additionally, a felony record can impact your personal and professional life long after you’ve served your sentence.

What’s the Difference Between a DUI Felony and a DUI Misdemeanor?

The main difference between a felony DUI vs misdemeanor DUI is the severity of the offense and the resulting punishment. A misdemeanor typically involves drunk driving where no one is seriously harmed or at significant risk. In contrast, a felony DUI occurs when your actions endanger or hurt someone else. Because of the greater danger posed by a felony DUI, it carries much harsher penalties and long-term consequences.

Contact a Top-Rated DUI Attorney to Protect Your License

A skilled Virginia DUI attorney can help reduce your charges or lessen your penalties. Often, you can avoid jail time by participating in treatment programs and completing community service. Contact The Law Offices of Krum, Gergely, & Oates if you’re facing a DUI charge in Virginia. For more information or to schedule a free consultation, call us today at (703) 988-3711.